Quobis exhibiting at MoneyConf Madrid
Quobis announces its first participation in the MoneyConf of Madrid (Spain) as exhibitor. This event will be held at the La N@ve on June 21-22, 2016.
In its second year, MoneyConf is an invite-only event focused on the future of finance, 1,500 decision makers from across the industry spectrum, including over 100 exhibiting startups looking to transform the industry.
The MoneyConf is an excellent opportunity to showcase the customer on-boarding use cased we developed for some leading banks in Europe. This is based in the version 2.4 of Sippo WebRTC portfolio, that includes an impressive group of new features that improves the potential on Sippo in use cases related with customer care. Exhibiting at the MoneyConf makes possible to be in contact with major banks and financial companies. Visitors to Quobis booth will learn from the experience of Quobis in customer on-boarding and ID verification using web-based real-time technologies.
More information on the use case is available here:
Quobis works in the WebRTC client applications domain, building web-based communication tools for service providers and enterprises who want to take advantage of all the potential of WebRTC and browsers. Sippo Click to Call and Sippo Web Collaborator are just two examples of applications with advanced functionalities (call forking, contextual information, interconnection with Network Address Books, etc) Quobis has already successfully tested these WebRTC applications through the Sippo WebRTC Application Controller in numerous vertical markets, helping their customers achieve revenue-generating use cases.
Sippo WebRTC Application Controller (WAC) is a new product category that manages WebRTC applications, providing seamless integration with existing OSS and BSS in NGN and IMS architectures. SIPPO WAC is fully compliant with the 3GPP reference architecture and includes a number of advanced functionalities including identity management, user provisioning, synchronized contact and address book management, policy control, security control, statistics and integration with a variety of existing OSS/BSS elements in the enterprise or service provider networks.
QUOBIS is a leading European company in the delivery of carrier-class unified communication solutions with a special focus on security, interoperability and identity management for service providers and enterprises. QUOBIS is headquartered in Vigo, Spain with partners throughout the world. QUOBIS is well-known as one of the leaders in the standardization and deployment of WebRTC technology after being involved in the industry-firsts implementations and Proof of Concepts in more than 30 countries. More information can be found online at quobis.com.
Company Contacts:
Yudani Riobó
+34 986 911 644