banking, Financial services & insurance.
Quobis Communications Platform unveils the future of customer experience in BFSI. More secure & cost-efficency communication for all bussiness cases.

Leading banks trust Quobis
Quobis has earned significant experience in the banking, financial and insurance sectors, contributing to the digital transformation of its relationship with its clients and collaboration between employees and guaranteeing the security of its communications.

Quobis BFSI portfolio
Digital roadmap for banking, financial services & insurance

Internationalization & growth
Mergers and acquisitions or simply open new branches require merging voice networks and consolidate a number of policies.
Flexibility supporting multiple devices (some owned by the employees) and provide the same services while keeping security.
Online Banking
Retail banking is no longer about visiting the bank branch. How to securely identify a customer is the first step to open all operatives to the new reality.
Service Compliance
Physical security is not valid today. More focus on logical security. Certifications and regulation (MiFID, PCI, etc) must comply.
Success case
Improve customer onboarding and remote customer experience with video.
Based on the Quobis Communication Platform, Banc Sabadell was able to react quickly and deliver new video-supported services to its clients, reducing dependency on physical branches and maintaining a close relationship with its clients even during Covid restrictions.

Banc Sabadell is the 4th largest bank in Spain, with more than 2400 branches and 12 millions of customers.