Sandra Domínguez: 10 years of experience in Quobis
Sandra Domínguez is now 10 years old being part of the company, as an essential part of the Quobis team. She is in charge of Administration department and she has took some time to answer this interview in recognition of her dedication.
Let’s get started!!! from the beginning. It’s known that sometimes in childhood kids show skills or attitudes which allow us to predict their future career will be like.
When you were a little girl, Did you know which your professional steps will be? Or Was it something from the moment you had to choose a degree?I opted for Administration career, but first of all I was considering a number of options and I wasn’t sure which follow out. Although I was aimed to follow Administration career, before I decided to take a upper cycle in Administration and Finances. It set out a clear and specific view of the field, I liked it and I was good at. It encouraged me to study Business Sciences and to continue developing my skills.
How did you get to Quobis? And which was your first impression of the company?I was looking for a change and a professional progress. So I saw a Quobis job offer in a famous job opportunity online platform, which got me to Quobis. One of the reason, of choose that offer, was the fact of being an english offer, this attracted my attention. It made me realise that English will be necessary for job functions and I encouraged me to apply for it. In addition,Quobis was located in O Porriño, where I was looking for. Both facts were decisive to be interested in the offer.My first contact with Quobis was in job interview in the last old office. They had just recently set up, it was a hot day in august and there weren’t air conditioner. I remember having an awful hot air and thinking that if I had to work like this it would be nasty…and look!! 10 years has passed…But now with air conditioner!!!!!About my impression of the company. I was interesting not just for Iago and Elías career before, also for being a newly launched young enterprise and it had promise a long career.
Had you worked in other companies before arrive Quobis?Yes I had. I had had experience before to join Quobis, I was working in other companies from different sectors. I can’t complain, I have always been working in my area and even though during my studies and before.
How was the moment when you receive the news that you were accepted ?I remember that I was working in previous enterprise, and obviously, It was a tremendous joy for getting the change I was looking for and for being part of a young team. I discover that in the beginnings Quobis wasn’t as today’s.
How was Quobis then?Of course not. Quobis has developed and changed a lot since 10 years ago. At that time we were only six members, nowadays Quobis is a team of thirty two!!!!! Not just change and growth, the lines of business also has evolved to focus more on developing its own product.
How was your feeling the first time you get into Quobis office?I am going to use this moment, which no one is listening, to confess the first thing that caught my eye. It was that everybody said anything ( about work issues ), being side by side. If they wanted to discuss, they would send you an email. I wasn’t used to that work method; nevertheless at present, it would be very difficult to organize my tasks.Refers to laboral issue, I have to say that the first impressions were excellent, because the welcome each member gave me. I feel like part of the group easily and quickly.
How was the first few weeks in Quobis? ( You can tell me moments of pressure, when you didn’t know how to solve, and how now this thing you do it with eyes closed :P) I don’t have memory of pressure moments; at the beginning, like in every change, it tooks an effort to adapt to new methods of work, to know and to understand the product, admin software, etc. In addition when soon I focused on, and with Iago and Elías help, there wasn’t inconvenient.
Who was in the past part of Quobis team? And who arrive next?When I joined Quobis there were six people: apart from Iago and Elías, Alberto Vilas, Bea Monfort, David Prieto and Isaac Hermida were part of the team; in a short period “female reinforcements” Andrea R. Reguera and Alexia Acosta. We aren’t majority but less we could occasionally go, which we called, “El café de las Machas” (Wink, wink dedicated to the mates from that time). Later entered Ángel Pequeño, Manuel Lugilde, Alejandro Castiñeiras… nowadays they aren’t part of the team, but we stayed in contact of the result of the good friendship we had. On 10 years you had had good times and fun time, which you remember and you say “ Such great moment we had”
¿Which one do you remember?Oh my God!!! There are so many good times !!! There are numerous anecdotes, I always flaunt about it: a good working environment with a friendly atmosphere, given for every single member of the Quobis team and the close group we are. I think the new hires quickly sense it and they want to keep it. At present, to work in this atmosphere is a privilege. Always times of pressure, work overload or bad days do better with a few laughs, jokes ( like Antón Román imitations of Gila ), and members joy.To choose a Great Moment is difficult. If I have to make a choice, I think, I`ll opt for “Jorge rescue operation”. Our mate Jorge Casal got enclosed in the toilet, because lock broken. I try to open the door kicking it and the heel of the shoes nailed in the door… it is clear that I would do whatever is required for a mate. Those, who were there, will laugh while reading, except Jorge, who even in this moment, doesn’t find it funny.
Everybody has a career situation which let us a mark, because of a bad moment but it helps them to improve. In yours 10 years in Quobis
Which was that moment/ situation you think it will be an important mark in you development? I could say that there was some delicate moments in the company, but like in live they help us to learn about them, be better and to make us stronger.
What is the thing that you most like about Quobis and to work on it ?It’s so valued the trust the persons in charge place in us, in doing our work, and how friendly and supportive they are. The comfortable and relaxed atmosphere create a well-being work time. In addition to comradeship, mutual respect and good feeling between workmates make easily waking up every morning.
Did you think Quobis would become what it is today?No, I didn’t. It wasn’t an extremely change until you think about it and you realise it, it was a gradual change.
In the future, would you like remain part of Quobis?Of course YES!! And I hope Quobis team will still want as a part of them.
How do you feel your 10 years dedication anniversary Quobis surprise? How do you experience it?Buff, It was a huge surprise!!! I couldn’t imagine what is going to happens. In fact, in the morning, when I got into the Quobis office, they threw me confetti and I didn’t even realise what they were celebrating. Only with this I would be happy. And I didn’t know what will be next. ;)After the confetti surprise I was a little nervous, but when I see the present I got in shock. I wasn’t able to react, to say a single word and to express what I was feeling. I will pay attention in my 25th anniversary ;).It was an amazing gesture, I’m very grateful!!! I had lots of fun.