Your corporate phone in Microsoft Teams
Bring your current carrier to your Microsoft Teams client, and get a fully functional corporate endpoint, integrated in your organization telephony network.

Powerfull dialpad & multiple user identities
User ID
Just write a name “Mary Shelly”
Group ID
Use the ringing group to call someone from a specific company division “Marketing team”
Phone + extension
When you know the extension of an external number, it takes you directly to the contact you are looking for. “+34 986911644 5011”
Custom DDI
Change your number to something easier to remember or simply prevent them from knowing the original number “662084126”
Short code
The fastest way to reach an internal contact “5011”
Bring your own carrier
Telcos can build customer loyalty by offering a new endpoint integrated into the MS Teams interface, while companies keep working with their voice provider services.

Expand telecom´s voice network through a branded Microsoft Teams App
Don´t pay Microsoft Teams Phone licenses
Cost effective alternative to keep doing PSTN callings without leaving MS Teams interface.
As easy as installing an app from the market
Carriers can distribute their branded endpoint from Microsoft Teams apps market.
Powerful & tailored UC client
Meet the expectations of your clients by providing the richest calling experience: multi-ringing (compatible with PSTN endpoints), integration with legacy company network elements, interaction with none-ms teams users, and more…
Quobis Communications Platform
Quobis Phone is based on Quobis Communications Platform, and this fact adds by default full compatibility with clients based on our SDK or directly with Quobis Collaborator, as a convenient alternative for users without Microsoft Office licenses.