Interview with Sippo’s product manager. Release of version 2.4
Hi all. It’s Yudani Riobó from Quobis. Today we are going to talk about the new release of Sippo with our product manager Santiago Troncoso. Hi, Santi, we have a new release, the version 2.4
Hi Yudani, here it is, fresh and full of new features and improvements.
What are the main objectives of this release?
- improve contact center scenarios
- improved integration of the C2C client
We tried to improve the customer care scenarios. We focus our development around the contact center solutions, improving integrations, taking a big step forward into the click to call integration into customer webs and reviewing our application interfaces.
Our idea is to keep the Sippo WAC as a high custom product and reduce the time-to-market of our projects for contact center scenarios including some key features like recording, third party authentication methods and so on.
The main core of the Sippo solution is the WebRTC Application Controller, what’s new on this release?
- recording
- anti-fraud detection based on 3rd party call tokens
As said before, the main core of the release is to improve use cases for contact scenarios, our customers demand better integrations and features close to the current stable audio solutions. And there is where we placed the recording feature. New use cases like the “on boarding” process requires, to avoid frauds, to include recording of human beings according the service.
We complement this solution for onBoarding adding a third party authentication token, avoiding the problem with malicious scripts that could use your credentials. So now, application, user and password are validated before create the call.
So do you record and store the session using the WebRTC recording solution on the browser?
No, that’s one option, but we rely on a third party multiconference unit. We abstract this process, both MCU and storage server, making it configurable. The advantage of this architecture is to work only on client trusted servers, we can store and keep the recording on the customer network, avoiding any possible external interception.
Again, the Sippo WAC demonstrate its value exposing this configuration and allowing different kind of integrations with existing infrastructure.
As you said, there are big news on the client side, what can you advance about the WebRTC client applications?
One important feature about our WebRTC main client, the Web Collaborator, is the push notification ability on mobile applications. The Sippo applications run smoothly on the browser, but to receive calls you must have a browser open. Our hybrid applications solves this problem receiving the calls through push notifications and allowing a complete mobility experience.
Talking about mobile applications, some partners complain about the size of the action buttons on the web interface. Something new on this field?
Absolutely everything is new on the new Web Collaborator 2.4. This version improves the user experience with a brand new interface based on AngularJS.
Thanks to SippoJS the development of the client involves only the behaviour and visual features is only to define how it will be visually since the features rely on the SippoJS layer.
Many thanks for your time Santi. We invite our partners and customers to evaluate this new version. Remember that the upgrade is included in your maintenance support contract or request access to the demo lab.