Two events in a row in USA this summer


We will have two events in a row in the US, as Quobis announced its participation in the AllAboutTheAPI event of Las Vegas and the Real Time Web Solutions event in New York.

In Las Vegas  we’ll focus in the role of the Sippo WebRTC Application Controller (WAC) as a new product category that manages WebRTC applications, via connectors, APIs and SDKs, providing seamless integration with existing OSS and BSS in NGN and IMS architectures. SIPPO WAC is fully compliant with the 3GPP reference architecture and includes a number of advanced functionalities, some of them unique in the industry, including:

  • Multi-Gateway support, hiding the signaling fragmentation.
  • Multi-Browser support, including non-WebRTC browsers and smartphones.
  • Security mechanism to avoid attacks.
  • Internal Network Address Book and federation with 3rd parties.
  • Web-Authentication, IMS authentication and OAuth and OpenID support.
  • Push notifications.
  • Gateway load balancing.
  • Statistics and Troubleshooting tools.
  • User provisioning via Service API.

Using a real field deployment based on an use case of customer onboarding in a bank and explaining the role of the Sippo WAC together with Oracle as WebRTC gateway and Dialogic as media server.

At the Real Time Web event, collocated with DevCon5, we’ll have the opportunity to explain the different security concerns in the deployment of a WebRTC application, explaining the different elements involved and how to deal with potential threads.

Quobis works in the WebRTC client applications domain, building web-based communication tools for service providers and enterprises who want to take advantage of all the potential of WebRTC and browsers.  Sippo Click to Call and Sippo Web Collaborator are just two examples of applications with advanced functionalities (call forking, contextual information, interconnection with Network Address Books, etc)

Both events are excellent opportunities to  learn from the experience of Quobis in 100+ proofs of concept and real field deployments with tier-1 telcos and service providers.


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