Social TV

Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) have been one of the new application scenarios for mobile communication systems in the fifth generation ecosystem ( 5G). In 5G radio environments, objective indicators have been defined, such as not exceeding 1ms of latency. Before the arrival of 5G there was no real interest in improving…
by jorge.cabaleiro | GDPR has been a hot topic in the last few months and often times companies are still trying to understand the impact of this new regulation on their day to day operations. In a previous blog post we spoke about the compliance problem of mainstream messaging apps when used in an enterprise…
Last 24 January the spanish magazine RED SEGURIDAD has celebrated its annual awards ceremony where Quobis has been awarded with the “Best ICT security product or system ” for its product of call authentication. IdentityCall allows to create different secure and authenticated communications environments according to the context. Security is provided by the encryption of…
(these are not hyperties, just “pasteis de natas”, the national pastry of Portugal) by yudani.riobo | Another reTHINK meeting was held two weeks ago in Aveiro (Portugal) at Portugal Telecom premises. It was a good opportunity to follow up the first eight months of project and to forge the lines of work to achieve its goal….
Quobis takes part in the funded project BDA4T. This consortium is formed by the companies Coremain and Optare Solutions and the Spanish service provider R Cable. BDA4T project will develop a prototype of an integrated Big Data Analytics platform for the telecommunications sector that will allow the use of the internal data of the operators to increase their customer satisfaction,…
After the experience with Direct Routing, Microsoft came up with a third option that allows administrators to go beyond Microsoft’s Calling Plans offering, allowing them to choose from the management back office itself (Teams Operator Console), among several operators available in your region without having to take on the complexity of a Direct Routing project….