An interview with our product manager

(IAGO) Hi all. It’s Iago Soto from Quobis. Today we are going to talk about the new releases of Sippo. Sippo has version 2.3 in GA and we are going to discuss this with our product manager Santiago Troncoso. Hi, Santi, so we have a new release today

(SANTI) Yep, we have released version 2.3 with a lot of new features. We were testing them on some customers but today it becomes generally available.


(IAGO) Can you explain what new features Sippo provides?
(SANTI) Ok, well, I think that the first point is to explain the idea behind this release. Our main focus was to improve and increase features on the Contact Center scenario. The Sippo WAC is a high-customizable tool, designed for telcos and major companies, but customer care is one of the key use cases of WebRTC.

About the Sippo WAC news is important to remark the DataPipe implementation. It’s an abstraction of the Data Channels, that are not supported by all the WebRTC gateways. This allow us to provide data transmission even if the WebRTC gateway does not support Data Channels.

But there are other important features provided on the WAC like:

  • the quality of service data and alarms
  • the user profiles
  • general improves over the CLI.
  • oAuth2 service
  • Call rehydratation
  • etc

As said before, the Contact Center scenario is one of the most benefit ones of this release. The Sippo Click To Call application get advantages of these WAC improvements providing important new features like:

  • campaigns design,
  • dynamic agent assignation,
  • CDRs,
  • successful call rates,
  • customer feedback forms
  • etc.

Finally, let me remark the Sippo Reporting web interface. It’s a complete new application that allow a manager to create campaigns, assign agents, create agent groups, check statistics, analyse CDRs… I think that it’s a great complement for the Click To Call application.

(IAGO) Most customers are concerned about inter-browser compatibilty, WebRTC promises too much, what the new Sippo release can offer on this field?
The compatibility between browsers is a big giant. Each browser is growing on their way, and with their speed, it’s a way to compete between them and also, a crash of philosophies. The Sippo WAC is a way to handle this issue. We worked hard during this release on the compatibility between browsers and platforms.

It’s not easy, but for us, it’s one of the feature keys: get all features despite all the browsers or all WebRTC gateway vendors.
For this release, we can handle on the Click To Call: chat, file-sharing, whiteboard, etc. on browsers like Internet Explorer 8, Safari, native android, blackberry, windows phone browsers… All with the same code on the same web application.

Anyway, we can proudly say that we’re fully operative on this release for Explorer 9, Explorer 10 and Explorer 11.

(IAGO) Now we are using our UC suite called Web Collaborator, Anything new here?

(SANTI) The Sippo Web Collaborator has a lot of new features. We can start talking about the oAuth2 login, where you can use your Google or Facebook accounts for login, but if this is not enough, the multi-language support can hit you on the first login screen.

But when you go inside it becomes better: Added to the previous release features, like the group chat and the meetings, the new Data Channel implementations are included providing form-sharing and whiteboard features. These two provide the basic tools of web collaboration,

Form sharing is key on the Sippo Click To Call, that allows an agent to fill with the customer a form, for example to finish a contract or to fill personal data. On the other hand, the whiteboard, allows a presenter to explain with drawing tools all that he wants.

(IAGO) Partners are asking about the call forking feature. Could you explain something about it?

(SANTI) Call forking is one of the keys of this release. This feature allow us to split the video channel from the audio channel. Think about a Contact Center scenario, where you have all your voice network already deployed and you want to add video support to enhance the quality of your support.

  1. The call forking of the Click To Call allows an agent to receive the call on the headset, using the pre-existing VoIP network, he keeps working on the same way.
  2. During the call, when it becomes needed, for instance to sign a contract or to include chat, screen sharing, file transfer, etc, the agent will just open a Web Collaborator, dial the customer ID
  3. then, the call is merged,

the audio keeps on the headset, the video and other advanced features relay to the Web Collaborator and can be followed by the agent.

I think that it’s the easiest way to include WebRTC technology on your existing network.

(IAGO) Thanks a lot for your time Santi. We invite our partners and customers to evaluate 2.3. Remember that the upgrade is included in your maintenance support contract or request access to the demo lab.

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