Quobis completes its voice interconnection offer for MS Teams

Quobis completes its voice interconnection offer for MS Teams

All ways to connect corporate voice network with MS Teams We have been among the first to offer specific solutions for the integration of voice calls (PSTN) to the users of MS Teams. Today, we can say that we cover any possible integration strategy, fulfilling our commitment to “connect them all”. MS Teams is becoming…

Using Microsoft Teams Media Bypass in corporate environments

Using Microsoft Teams Media Bypass in corporate environments

Media bypass for MS Teams: optimizing media traffic on corporate networks The success of MS Teams has generated the use of new terminology that was not common in corporate voice networks. Media Bypass is a mechanism provided by Microsoft to optimize the path of media traffic (improves performance by avoiding any of the hops). With…

Voice call solutions (PSTN) for MS Teams based on Microsoft Teams Phone

Voice call solutions (PSTN) for MS Teams based on Microsoft Teams Phone

After the experience with Direct Routing, Microsoft came up with a third option that allows administrators to go beyond Microsoft’s Calling Plans offering, allowing them to choose from the management back office itself (Teams Operator Console), among several operators available in your region without having to take on the complexity of a Direct Routing project….

Alternatives to Microsoft Teams Phone for voice calls (PSTN) in MS Teams

Alternatives to Microsoft Teams Phone for voice calls (PSTN) in MS Teams

Softphone integrado como aplicación MS Teams En esta ocasión estamos planteando una opción al margen del Microsoft Teams Phone, pero que permite igualmente realizar llamadas PSTN sin salir de la interfaz de escritorio de MS Teams. Ventajas y desventajas de una estrategia basada en un softphone integrado Las principales ventajas de esta estrategia son: La…

Phone System vs No Phone system

Voice Services (PSTN) Deployments based on Microsoft Teams Phone vs. Quobis Phone

MS Teams is the most popular UCaaS solution on the planet with 500,000 organizations of all sizes using it. Although some voices point to a certain growth stagnation, the reality is that 250 million active users as a whole represent a market where an entire ecosystem of services integrated with this platform can grow. Among all the possible…


What is the role of PSTN calls in the MS Teams ecosystem?

Unified communications must still consider the use of technologies sometimes considered legacy, but which still have an inalienable validity today. MS Teams is no exception, and in order to offer a complete UCaaS solution it must coexist with traditional phone calls. Obviously between two MS Teams users the possibility of calling each other at any time…

Certificates and domains MS Teams SBCs

Certificates and domains in MS Teams Direct Routing

The first step will be to decide the domain name that we will assign to our certified SBC. For example: sbc-for-msteams.name-company.com Taking this domain into account, we generate the corresponding CSR (certificate signing request) in the SBC, including the FQDN and the company data (name, location, department, etc.) and we will request the generation of…

SBA MS Teams

What is MS Teams Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA)?

MS Teams is one of the most popular collaboration platforms today. Quobis is helping service providers and enterprises to adopt the best practices to interconnect the Microsoft Phone System with their existing infrastructure. Behind this, there are several challenges, including interworking, transcoding, call ciphering and different ways to route the traffic. Quobis has been addressing these issues…

SBC for MS Teams

Session Border Controller (SBC) requirements for MS Teams

SBC as key element on Direct Routing scenarios Interconnection with MS Teams represents a technical challenge as it manages signaling and media in a different way to traditional PBX. SBCs are elements that have been designed to defeat all the problems and concerns related to security (preventing DDoS attacks, topology hiding, etc), interconnection between different vendor platforms (SIP normalization) and performance of SIP networks (monitoring…

What is the Microsoft Teams Phone?

What is the Microsoft Teams Phone?

To act as a complete UCaaS solution, Microsoft Teams needs access to the Microsoft Teams Phone. There is some confusion between technology and service (not to be confused with Microsoft calling plans “MS Calling Plans”). Microsoft Teams Phone is a Microsoft technology or product that enables call control and certain typical capabilities of a PBX in…