Quobis loves WebRTC

Contributions of Quobis for the standardization of WebRTC

Firstly, we participated in the definition of SIP version to be used over Websocket (RFC7118), with also two Spanish. Websocket enables bidirectional communication form the Web browser which makes it suitable for a protocol like SIP which requires bi-directional (client -> server, server -> client) and asynchronous communication. We initially developed a JS SIPoWS stack,…

Seminar for WebRTC in enterprises and contact centers (Madrid)

Seminar for WebRTC in enterprises and contact centers (Madrid)

Oracle Communications and Quobis invite you to join an exclusive Event on November 15, 2016 in Madrid  This informative and compelling half day event will be an open forum to discuss and share experiences on the best way to leverage the benefits of WebRTC to create a better user experience and ensure secure and reliable enterprise-class communications.Review and…

Benefits of enabling a WebRTC Contact Center

Benefits of enabling a WebRTC Contact Center

WebRTC: the most disruptive technology for the contact center world Since its inception in 2011, WebRTC had the potential of being a disruptive technology for the contact center world. The technology opens up a whole new way to communicate with customer by bringing contact centers the possibility of integrating voice, video and collaboration into any…

WEBINAR: How IoT expands real-time communications borders

WEBINAR: How IoT expands real-time communications borders

On  Wednesday June 6th, 2018 Quobis was speaking for 30 minutes about WebRTC and Internet of Things. Watch the video below In this webinar we explored different use cases of Internet of Things where WebRTC can play an active role, improving communications, adding multimedia capabilities or just making things work.  After starting with a review of the state…

Quobis with Nokia at the Enterprise Connect 2018 in Orlando

Quobis with Nokia at the Enterprise Connect 2018 in Orlando

Sippo (rebranded as Quobis Communications Platform) was the client and application server used by Nokia to showcase the WebRTC support of their new SBC. As a standard-based network element that hides the complexity behind the real field deployments of the technology, Sippo is the right to extend to the web existing services and create new…

WEBINAR: WebRTC in the VoLTE and OTT era

WEBINAR: WebRTC in the VoLTE and OTT era

On Wednesday May 31th, 2017 Quobis will be speaking about WebRTC for mobile network operators and communication service providers. Register for free below. Mobile Network Operators and MVNOs are being disrupted and going through threats as they are investing a relevant amount of money in network transformation to support VoLTE services while newcomers are conquering traffic just offering advance OTT…

Quobis to exhibit at MWC 2017

Quobis to exhibit at MWC 2017

Quobis, the leader in real-time communication apps for the web, today announced it will be exhibiting at Mobile World Congress 2017, to be held on February 27 to March 2, 2017 in Barcelona (Spain). Quobis’ booth (CS60, booth #3) at the Spanish Pavilion will showcase how  “Sippo WebRTC Application Controller ” (Sippo WAC) can help telecom…

Sippo deployed for remote access and improved Healthcare in Belgium

Sippo deployed for remote access and improved Healthcare in Belgium

Quobis and Zebra Academy are working together in a R&D project that allows remote access and improved Healthcare from everywhere. The main objective is to develop an open source and secure ICT platform for interoperable collection and communication of wireless 3G/4G audio-video data and point-of-care device data, across hospitals, emergency vehicles and patient portals at…

Quobis at the Artemis Technology Conference 2016

Quobis at the Artemis Technology Conference 2016

Last October 6 Quobis participated in the Artemis Technology Conference 2016 held in Madrid during the EMC2 project workshop. EMC² (Embedded Multi-Core systems for Mixed Criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments) project is an ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking project in the Innovation Pilot Programme ‘Computing platforms for embedded systems’ that aims to establish Multi-Core technology in all…