Quobis at the Artemis Technology Conference 2016
Last October 6 Quobis participated in the Artemis Technology Conference 2016 held in Madrid during the EMC2 project workshop.
EMC² (Embedded Multi-Core systems for Mixed Criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments) project is an ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking project in the Innovation Pilot Programme ‘Computing platforms for embedded systems’ that aims to establish Multi-Core technology in all relevant Embedded Systems domains. It finds solutions for dynamic adaptability in open systems, provides handling of mixed criticality applications under real-time conditions, scalability and utmost flexibility, full scale deployment and management of integrated tool chains, through the entire lifecycle.
We presented some results in the Internet of Things domain since Quobis is leading the Internet of Things work package like this. This work package is a Living Lab that includes five use cases that will allow showing implementations like audio and video communications over WebRTC (using the web browser on devices), open deterministic networks, automatic home networking, ultralowpower high database communication, and synchronized low-latency deterministic networks. Quobis leads the use case that address large-scale application of Unified Communication Services using HTML5 based Web Browsers on Embedded Systems, where the main goal is to implement WebRTC in any type of small embedded system, to have the possibility to adapt these systems to a new paradigm where the web browser is going to be the player. The first prototype systems provide the main multimedia functionalities. This first prototype is based on Sippo family that provides audio and video conference, chat and file transfer. For this use case, Sippo family was adapted for a device of the family of Android TVs.