WEBINAR: How IoT expands real-time communications borders

On  Wednesday June 6th, 2018 Quobis was speaking for 30 minutes about WebRTC and Internet of Things. Watch the video below In this webinar we explored different use cases of Internet of Things where WebRTC can play an active role, improving communications, adding multimedia capabilities or just making things work.  After starting with a review of the state of the art of WebRTC on IoT, we focused on use cases and references.   Module 1:  State of the art of WebRTC for IoT

  • What’s new with WebRTC
  • Browsers and devices supported
  • Usage of data-channel for data communication
  • Architecture of Sippo
  • Introducing Sippo IoT SDK

We explored the new advances on web communications and how this can fit on remote operations, explaining why WebRTC is appropriate as a framework to manage communications on IoT projects.  Module 2: Applications of RTC on IoT domain

  • Tele-health (mixing voice/video with data sources)
  • Industry 4.0
  • Connected car
  • Home automation and security
  • Video evaluation with smart glasses
  • Drones and robots

This module is focused in how WebRTC can play a role in differente IoT ecosystems, providing abstraction of device fragmentation, adding multimedia communications easily or just exposing standard APIs to allow third parties to develop apps.  Module 3: References on IoT domain On the last module we disclosed some references based on the use cases of the previous module and we’ll leave some time for Q&A. 

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