QUOBIS is participating in the SHOP4CF program

QUOBIS is participating in the SHOP4CF program

QUOBIS is participating in the SHOP4CF program cooperating with DATIVIC in the RTassit experiment. RTassist proposes a use case for assistance to manufacturer warehouse employees to deal with their tasks by providing answers to complex questions from a Natural Language Understanding based Real-Time Communications system embedded in an Android application for smartphones. The human-technology interaction that the use…

TRACEFACT, artificial intelligence for the optimization of industrial processes

TRACEFACT, artificial intelligence for the optimization of industrial processes

Development of an analytical system for the traceability of products and processes throughout the entire value chain applicable to any industry TRACEFACT is a project focused on the development of an analytical system that allows tracking and optimizing products and processes throughout the entire value chain, being applicable to any industry. The main objective is to…


POLDER consortium celebrates the closing of the project

POLDER URBAN DATA POLICY LAB: POLICY & DATA EXPLOITATION & RE-USE Quobis successfully completes the project called POLDER URBAN DATA POLICY LAB: POLICY & DATA EXPLOITATION & RE-USE, which proposes a model for the reuse of data in cities that, correlated with each other, can generate innovative services of great value to society. Goals &…

Quobis participates in the DISTINGO project: reconfigurable lockers

Quobis participates in the DISTINGO project: reconfigurable lockers

DISTINGO project: reconfigurable lockers Quobis participates in the DISTINGO project: reconfigurable lockers, which aims to create a new generation of smart lockers systems that are simple, easy to use, smarter and dynamically reconfigurable. The lockers can be used to store, distribute or share items of any kind and will be dynamically associated with specific services…

Quobis successfully completes the LEAN project

Quobis successfully completes the LEAN project

LEAN PROJECT (Low cost, Emerging countries, Architecture, Network infrastructure) The LEAN project was a joint initiative led by Cellnex, Nokia and Quobis that had the support of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, through the Strategic Action Economy and Digital Society program (AEESD) (number TSI‑102102‑2017‑4). The LEAN (Low cost, Emerging countries, Architecture, Network infrastructure) project sought the…



SCRATCH: SECURE AND AGILE CONNECTED THINGS  Quobis participates in the SCRATCH project: SECURE AND AGILE CONNECTED THINGS. This project proposes an integrative approach to IoT, security and DevOps practices through an architecture and process platform that is based on DevOps principles and includes security controls as part of the continuous secure deployment chain. The SCRATCH project has…


Quobis participates in the POLDER project

POLDER URBAN DATA POLICY LAB: POLICY & DATA EXPLOITATION & RE-USE project Quobis participates in the POLDER URBAN DATA POLICY LAB: POLICY & DATA EXPLOITATION & RE-USE project, which proposes a model for the reuse of data in cities that, correlated with each other, can generate innovative services of great value to society. The POLDER…


Quobis participates in the 4C project

4C project: CLOUD CARRIER-CLASS COMMUNICATION SOLUTION FOR THE FINANCIAL MARKET Quobis participates in the 4C project: CLOUD CARRIER-CLASS COMMUNICATION SOLUTION FOR THE FINANCIAL MARKET, which aims to develop a communications solution with characteristics of a telecommunication operator that allows the usual actions of a financial trading room to be carried out. The goal is to allow…