Explaining the role of the WAC
by iago.soto | Sippo WebRTC Application Controller (WAC, in short) is a solution that allows to deploy WebRTC applications fully-interconnected with existing services (AAA, OSS, BSS, etc.) and legacy VoIP or UC systems.
Sippo WAC supports a number of business cases, through its APIs, ranging from a simple click-to-dial button to advanced scenarios like RCS-based services, integration with existing Web Portals (including Facebook, Twitter or GMail), Banking, Health, Logistics, call centers/CRMs, UC, etc.
Sippo WAC is standards compliant and has been designed and developed by engineers who participate in WebRTC standardization forums like W3C, IETF, 3GPP, SIPForum and GSMA. Thanks to its abstraction layer, Sippo can include new signaling modules rapidly or even use different signaling protocols within the same application (e.g. one signaling protocol for audio/video, another for IM/presence, etc.).
Sippo WAC is the right tool to develop, adapt or deploy any WebRTC tool in a SDN, in the case of telcos, or corporate architecture, with the security that it is going to be interoperable with the existing services and WebRTC gateways. In addition it provides features to manage user provisioning, store call detail records and provides contextual information.
In order to understand better the role of the WAC, you can access to the information available in this site or watch the following short videos:
Sippo has been developed by Quobis and it is distributed worldwide through a network of first-class partners and UC vendors. Do not hesitate to get in contact with Quobis to get any additional information.