How to increase the sessions in an SBC?

Sessions determine the number of concurrent calls that the SBC can handle.
The sessions can be extended in the SBCs by means of a configuration change, once they have been managed at the administrative level with the manufacturer:

Example of sessions activated on Oracle:

SBCsSBC # show entitlements
Provisioned Entitlements:
——– —————–
Enterprise Session Border Controller Base: enabled
Session Capacity: 100
Advanced: enabled
Admin Security:
Keyed (Licensed) Entitlements
———– ——————

When planning an increase in sessions, it is important to take into account the capacity of the surrounding elements and the network itself that supports the service. That is, on the one hand, both the switchboard and the core part must have an equal or lesser number of licenses than those configured in the SBC. On the other hand, the access provided by the operator to support the service must be sized with the necessary bandwidth.

The configuration of the increase of sessions could imply a service cut in case it is necessary to expand the number of dedicated ports and this increase implies a change in range.