The traditional WebRTC market

by Jorge.Cabaleiro | In 2011 an ambitious open source project backed by Google was conceived. The “Big G” wanted to make real time [...]

2 August 2018

Sippo collaborator and GDPR compliance

by jorge.cabaleiro  | GDPR has been a hot topic in the last few months and often times companies are still trying to understand the im[...]

29 June 2018

A short Intro to cobrowsing implementation

The concept of co-browsing refers to a series of technologies and solutions that allow a joint navigation between two people, typically[...]

26 June 2018

Enterprise messaging in the GDPR era

  by Jorge Cabaleiro| Whatsapp is one of the most used messaging and personal communication apps in the world and ,sometimes, peop[...]

21 June 2018

Quobis awarded at the Oracle IC in New York

Quobis has participated in Oracle Industry Connect 2018 held in New York during last week. This event brings together business leaders [...]

24 April 2018

Quobis reorganises enterprise offering

Quobis has announced the new portfolio for telcos and enterprises at the Mobile World Congress of Barcelona. For enterprises this i[...]

30 March 2018

Sippo wac v4 to be announced at IMS World (London)

Quobis, the leader in real-time communication apps for the web, announced it will be exhibiting at IMS World event, to be held on April[...]

30 March 2018

Release of Sippo version 3.1

It is been over a year, but Sippo is now a complete matured RTC framework. Not only is able to handle several use cases, this new relea[...]

5 January 2018

Buy vs build dilemma with Sippo

Sippo is the name of a WebRTC product family authored by Quobis which includes the following products: Sippo WebRTC Application Control[...]

28 November 2017

Using WebRTC to enable video live contributors

WebRTC is making possible new use cases in different markets. The possibility to use the native capacities of browsers to making video [...]

21 November 2017