WEBINAR: Digital transformation and customer care

OnWednesday December 13th, 2017 Quobis was speaking for 30 minutes about Digital Transformation and Customer Care.

Large enterprises and consulting companies are facing different challenges related to the digital adoption during the last years. Some initiatives to transform business processes and activities has been announced based on the adoption of digital technologies.

The focus of this webinar was how to create new growth opportunities in the Digital Transformation space and our main lessons learnt.

MODULE 1. Sippo as a digital enabler

– Intro to WebRTC

– Key functionalities for the digital era

– Multi-device support

– Integration with enterprise assets

– Application to customer care

MODULE 2. How Sippo improves digital customer care

– Video evaluation: how video assesment helps utilities, insurance companies, telcos, etc.

– Web browsing assistance: eCommerce support, In-app support, cobrowsing.

– Document sharing: bill review, contract review, etc.

– Remote ID verification: customer  onboarding, card activation (SIM, credit,…), access to critical information

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