WebRTC is moving with Android

We are proud to announce that we have made our first WebRTC videocall from Chrome for Android running our SIP over Websocket JavaScript stack, QoffeeSIP.

It worked with the recently released M26 Chrome Beta for Android, just enabling the WebRTC-enabled flag. This is an important milestone in WebRTC short but brilliant history. The remarkable point here is that we did not have to change any single line of code in our stack to be able to make the call from Chrome from Android. That means that we can use the same code of our Web client (QoffeeSIP + WebInterface) for Desktop and Android Chrome browsers. In other words, you will be able to have real-time communication from any device without installing any specific App in your mobile or softphone in your Laptop, just using your browser. It really sounds good!! Congrats to the Chrome team for their great job.

After this first test, we can say that WebRTC Peerconnection API (the one that allows to create real time sessions) and Websocket API (the one that allows to send messages from client to server) has been successfully migrated to the Android Chrome version. We are looking forward to testing the rest of WebRTC API elements (Datachannel, screen sharing, etc) in Chrome.

Give it a try at http://talksetup.quobis.com .

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