Telephony operators and the challenge of validate and certify calls

Telephony operators and the challenge of validate and certify calls

Quobis, pioneering call identification At Quobis, we have always been conscious of the risks related with identity theft in the voice channel (voice spoofing). In 2011 and from our participation in an R&D project call SecVoID, we created IdentityCall; a solution based on the insertion of personal digital certificates as a part of the SIP header. Essentially, in order to…

Certificates and domains MS Teams SBCs

Certificates and domains in MS Teams Direct Routing

The first step will be to decide the domain name that we will assign to our certified SBC. For example: Taking this domain into account, we generate the corresponding CSR (certificate signing request) in the SBC, including the FQDN and the company data (name, location, department, etc.) and we will request the generation of…

SBA MS Teams

What is MS Teams Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA)?

MS Teams is one of the most popular collaboration platforms today. Quobis is helping service providers and enterprises to adopt the best practices to interconnect the Microsoft Phone System with their existing infrastructure. Behind this, there are several challenges, including interworking, transcoding, call ciphering and different ways to route the traffic. Quobis has been addressing these issues…

SBC for MS Teams

Session Border Controller (SBC) requirements for MS Teams

SBC as key element on Direct Routing scenarios Interconnection with MS Teams represents a technical challenge as it manages signaling and media in a different way to traditional PBX. SBCs are elements that have been designed to defeat all the problems and concerns related to security (preventing DDoS attacks, topology hiding, etc), interconnection between different vendor platforms (SIP normalization) and performance of SIP networks (monitoring…