QUOBIS is participating in the SHOP4CF program

QUOBIS is participating in the SHOP4CF program

QUOBIS is participating in the SHOP4CF program cooperating with DATIVIC in the RTassit experiment. RTassist proposes a use case for assistance to manufacturer warehouse employees to deal with their tasks by providing answers to complex questions from a Natural Language Understanding based Real-Time Communications system embedded in an Android application for smartphones. The human-technology interaction that the use…

Quobis successfully completes the LEAN project

Quobis successfully completes the LEAN project

LEAN PROJECT (Low cost, Emerging countries, Architecture, Network infrastructure) The LEAN project was a joint initiative led by Cellnex, Nokia and Quobis that had the support of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, through the Strategic Action Economy and Digital Society program (AEESD) (number TSI‑102102‑2017‑4). The LEAN (Low cost, Emerging countries, Architecture, Network infrastructure) project sought the…

reTHINK project concludes with excellent results

reTHINK project concludes with excellent results

After thirty months of work and excellent collaboration, the reTHINK consortium have reached the end of this successful project. The main goal of reTHINK was to design and prototype a new Web-centric P2P Service Architecture enabling dynamic trusted relationships among distributed applications called “Hyperties” that support use-cases beyond commoditized telephony such as contextual and social communications, M2M/IoT and content…