Quobis successfully completes the LEAN project
LEAN PROJECT (Low cost, Emerging countries, Architecture, Network infrastructure)
The LEAN project was a joint initiative led by Cellnex, Nokia and Quobis that had the support of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, through the Strategic Action Economy and Digital Society program (AEESD) (number TSI‑102102‑2017‑4).
The LEAN (Low cost, Emerging countries, Architecture, Network infrastructure) project sought the deployment of advanced mobile broadband telecommunications infrastructures in extreme rural areas without connectivity, in order to promote their economic development and facilitate their digital transformation, enabling key applications such as real-time communications, data transmission or local processing.
For the demonstration of the project, the necessary network infrastructure has been deployed in Matanza de Soria, a town belonging to the municipality of San Esteban de Gormaz, to develop a series of use cases in collaboration with the La Loba winery, which produces signature wines based on of the recovery and rehabilitation of centenary pre-phylloxera vineyards in this area of the DO Ribera de Duero.
How has Quobis contributed to the Lean project?
For the LEAN project, Quobis has developed a real-time communications system that allows the integration of corporate communications and the reception of data from sensors in the same application, optimizing the processes of a corporation oriented to agricultural activity such as wine production.
The purpose of the developed use case is to collect data related to atmospheric and earth temperature and humidity, as well as infrared and ultraviolet radiation levels. For this purpose, various probes placed in the crops have been installed, which send their measurements through the network thanks to the connectivity provided by the site and include a real-time data monitoring system. This information, together with an alert system, allows agile decision making in the cultivation model.

This use case provides real-time communications capabilities to organizations framed in the so-called “Polygon 4.0”, designed to offer quality connectivity to rural environments.
The users that are the object of this use case are both the organizations settled in the environment, as well as professional users who carry out their activity from their home or office in rural areas, and require a real-time communications platform to communicate with their clients, colleagues. or collaborators. In addition, in this project Quobis integrates access to information from IoT devices in its real-time multimedia communications application, equating man / machine communications to communications between humans, in a single interface.
Contribution of the LEAN project to rural development and new business opportunities
The validation of this use case opens the door to its application in various environments with an equivalent use case.
Scalable connectivity solutions for regions with highly fluctuating populations
Current circumstances are causing an evolution in the forms of work, and of telework in particular, which turns into common scenarios of pure telework or occasional telework, which can occur in a specific way, under a model of shifts between bubble or group groups. stationary form. These hybrid models require capacities in changing communications infrastructures to which the LEAN model adapts perfectly.
There are many areas in the national territory where the population fluctuates a lot at different times of the year. It is usually related to vacation and rest periods, and digital entertainment is increasingly present in the daily lives of users.
The results of this project allow this scalability in a sustainable way and at an effective cost.
Flexible and secure telecommunication infrastructures
Quobis technology offers all the necessary flexibility in terms of infrastructure capacity, enabling ad-hoc niche applications on the one hand, and providing total control over information security within the corporation, even being able to control the physical location. of the communications infrastructure.