Alternatives to Microsoft Teams Phone for voice calls (PSTN) in MS Teams

Alternatives to Microsoft Teams Phone for voice calls (PSTN) in MS Teams

Softphone integrado como aplicación MS Teams En esta ocasión estamos planteando una opción al margen del Microsoft Teams Phone, pero que permite igualmente realizar llamadas PSTN sin salir de la interfaz de escritorio de MS Teams. Ventajas y desventajas de una estrategia basada en un softphone integrado Las principales ventajas de esta estrategia son: La…

Enterprise-grade messaging apps for desk-less workers, a massive opportunity for telcos

Enterprise-grade messaging apps for desk-less workers, a massive opportunity for telcos

Why companies are investing in mobile collaboration tools?You might argue that this market hasn’t been addressed by telecommunications and technology providers on a grand scale because companies don’t consider it worthwhile spending money in this area. It turns out that there are several indicators suggesting the contrary. In fact, companies with big mobile workforces invest…