Quobis announces participationin EU funded FP7 ICARUS project
Quobis will take part in the ICARUS (Integrated Components for Assisted Rescue and Unmanned Search operations) project, a large consortium of european leading companies and organizations that want to join their effort and knowledge in order to improve the assistance in case of emergencies. This project is lead by the Royal Military Academy of Belgium and counts with relevant partners like NATO, Fraunhofer Institute, Atos Origin or The Portuguese Navy. The ICARUS project deals with the development of a set of integrated components to assist search and rescue teams in dealing with the difficult and dangerous, but lifesaving task of finding human survivors. The ICARUS tools consist of assistive unmanned air, ground and sea vehicles, equipped with victim detection sensors. The unmanned vehicles collaborate as a coordinated team, communicating via ad hoc cognitive radio networking. To ensure optimal humanrobot collaboration, these tools are seamlessly integrated into the C4I equipment of the human crisis managers and a set of training and support tools is provided to them to learn to use the ICARUS system. This project represents a great opportunity for Quobis to improve and test our voice security solutions in real environments. The overall project budget is 15 M EUR. More information available at CORDIS.