Homeworking: Quobis Collaborator running in virtual desktops
Citrix was the first one to implement, in early 2019, Browser Content Redirection (BCR), in order to support web-based applications that require WebRTC. BCR redirects the entire viewport of the hosted browser to the endpoint. Citrix is providing support also for WebRTC-based installed applications based on Electron.
VMware Horizon 7.10 has now a similar approach to Citrix using VMware Browser Redirection, supporting WebRTC applications running in Chrome browser with the VMware Horizon Browser Redirection extension only running on Windows clients. Quobis Collaborator has passed a fully feature test over Citrix and VMware Horizon, enabling Unified communications tools running on virtual desktops.
Quobis collaborator is an enterprise-grade multi-device unified communication client for corporate employees or contact centre agents. Quobis have designed Quobis Collaborator to be the unique UC client that any organization needs to manage all their internal or external communications, careless of media (voice, video or text), platform (web, pc, smart TVs, tablets, smartphones, analogue endpoints, intercoms, cars…) or the number of users (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many).
This represents a huge opportunity for Contact Centres, BPO and other major industries that are adopting teleworking reducing the capital investment to keep productivity while maintaining corporate policies.
Employees and contact center agents might use virtual desktops running in dump devices working from home, as it reduces expenses and minimizes the possibility to suffer attacks and any security threat.
WebRTC can run as an endpoint in these devices, fully connected to the existing PBX and numbering. No need to add a deskphone.
Browsers support voice & video access (camera & mic)in VDI like Citrix or VMware Horizon.
It takes advantages of all the collaboration tools of WebRTC, like video conferencing, screen sharing or messaging.