Quobis will participate in the Iberiam Telecom Summit
Iberian Telecom Summit will celebrate the second edition of the conference dedicated to UC solutions for carriers and service providers and is taking place in Madrid, Spain, on October 2nd, 2013.
The event is targeting to present products and services by the sponsor Quobis. In addition this conference will offer technical workshops about how to use WebRTC as a specific real time communication solution for service providers, including topics as BSS and OSS integration, user management and provisioning, etc. In addition, this conference will include a demo session with three use cases around WebRTC and security in service providers, and a panel with experts and carriers that will talk about their experience using WebRTC. >Quobis is a leading european company in the delivery of carrierclass unified communications solutions with a special focus on security, interconnection and identity management. Quobis is headquartered in Vigo (Spain) with partners throughout the world. This event is an opportunity to get the pulse of UC development for service providers as well as the business environment around WebRTC and UC security. Get more information at http://www.iberiantelecomsummit.com/