Speaking at WORLD-EID congress in Nice

ike any powerful emerging high-tech industry, mobile security is one of the hottest topics. Our colleague Antón Román had the opportunity to attend and speak at World e-ID Congress, the most important european conference about electronic ID policies.

Our conference was based on call authentication using digital certificates and national electronic ID cards and it was a good opportunity to contact with some of the major companies involved in the industry, like SIM card manufacturers (where the leading companies are based in Europe). In addition, it was also great to meet OpenID, a way to choose which personal information you share when you are visiting websites (supported by Google and Yahoo) and that could be an excellent ID manager for our solutions.

NFC and mobile payments were some of the keywords of this event. Large companies (mobile device manufacturers, service providers, SIM card manufacturers, etc) are investing huge amounts of money in small companies involved in these technologies. Quobis is taking a look to this market, because we will use some of these developments to improve the features and security of our voice solutions.

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