Sat2car project: Quobis provides real-time communications on cars

Sat2car project: Quobis provides real-time communications on cars

Quobis is taking part of Sat2Car project with the objective of implementing a system for connected vehicle services via satellite communications. Quobis is contributing to the design and implementation of a set of multimedia services based on WebRTC and our solution Sippo wac. It will allow real time communications integrated in the board screen of the car and it…

reTHINK project concludes with excellent results

reTHINK project concludes with excellent results

After thirty months of work and excellent collaboration, the reTHINK consortium have reached the end of this successful project. The main goal of reTHINK was to design and prototype a new Web-centric P2P Service Architecture enabling dynamic trusted relationships among distributed applications called “Hyperties” that support use-cases beyond commoditized telephony such as contextual and social communications, M2M/IoT and content…