Why independence is important for your ICT strategy

Why independence is important for your ICT strategy

The meaning of independence in the ICT sector When it comes to the procurement of information and communication technology, many companies tend to choose one of the major vendors. They go with the seemingly safest option, living up to the old phrase “nobody ever got fired for buying IBM”. Nowadays, this saying might not apply…

Enterprise-grade messaging apps for desk-less workers, a massive opportunity for telcos

Enterprise-grade messaging apps for desk-less workers, a massive opportunity for telcos

Why companies are investing in mobile collaboration tools?You might argue that this market hasn’t been addressed by telecommunications and technology providers on a grand scale because companies don’t consider it worthwhile spending money in this area. It turns out that there are several indicators suggesting the contrary. In fact, companies with big mobile workforces invest…

Enterprise video calling

Enterprise video calling

 The future of communications is changing. In the last few years, instant messaging, live chat or webinars have become an everyday tool for millions of users. Because of this, having an omnichannel communication strategy is crucial to engage customers, build brand awareness and differentiate from competitors. Video represents an opportunity for companies to develop innovative…