Click to call

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QUOBIS – We love webrtc notebook

This is an example of how you can integrate a click to call bottom during the purchase process, assisting customer in one of the most relevant stages in their purchase decision.

Buy now !

By clicking “Call us ” bottom you are initiating a voice or video call with one of our agent, to get help related with this product. This call is free for you.

Routing is great but proactive user filtering is awesome.

When user knows with whom needs to talk, we can avoid IVR or any complex routing policy, just providing a direct way to contact with de agent. We can personalice communications, providing direct link with agent he previous rate positively.

No one as you know what you need most.

You are free to choose with whom you need to talk, and the bet way to communicate with them.

Do you need to book a video meeting?

Do you need to chat with a technical expert?

Optimize your investments talking with a financial advisor

printable devices

Phydigital Experience

A bunch of cases of use emerge, when you apply C2C over physical elements: signae and printed advertising, product labels, printed handbooks… Advantages over traditional phone numbers such free calls; webRTC capabilities for video, document sharing, chat, voice, multiconferencing; or the chance to add info about the source of calling to provide better context to the agent (location, product, lenguage… ) or to route and rate the urgency of this call. 

Add all these great features to your mobile app natively.

Quobis C2C is based on Quobis Communications Platform, this include SDKs to embed real time communications in your branded app.
Here you can explore the documentation, for Javascript, iOS and Android.