Experiences exhibiting at the IBC Amsterdam 2016
This year we were exhibiting for the first time at the IBC of Amsterdam. We had the chance to share a booth with our friends, partners and neighbours of CINFO , a company that develops video based products for broadcasters and IGALIA, that provides consultancy services on webkit for set-top-box manufacturers.
There we were showcasing our Social TV platform, based on Sippo and WebRTC. Imagine you want to watch together with your friends a football match. Using Sippo it’s possible to make a multi-videoconference while you watch the same content. Sippo includes features like group chat, push notifications, multi-conferencing and multi-device Support that make Social TV possible. Using Sippo Web Collaborator you can chat with your friends using any device and from any location, so you can invite them to join a room with a live streaming event using the web browser.
This means the service providers can offer a value-added service complementing their offering of pay-TV, enabling other uses to be invited by an existing customers. This keeps the attention on the TV, as a second screen is not need for being social. In addition, service providers and broadcaster can retrieve personal information of the invited people for marketing purposes. The IBC was also a great place to explore potential partnerships with other players of the industry, from web browsers manufacturers (to check their plans to support WebRTC), set-top-boxes to check if they are adding video processing capabilities and encoders/players that can provide synchronisation among users (in order to avoid delays in video reception between users of the same room).
For more information of this use case please visitour website or send an email to yudani.riobo@quobis.com Additional Resources:
- Telefonica’s official Press Release and presentation
- Blog post explaining this use case
- Article in ABC and El Pais
About IBC In words of the organisation, IBC is the premier annual event for professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of entertainment and news content worldwide. Six leading international bodies are the partners behind IBC, representing both exhibitors and visitors. In 2015, the event attracted more than 55,000 attendees from 170 countries around the world, exhibiting more than 1,600 of the world’s key technology suppliers and showcasing a debate-leading conference. More information and dates for 2017: http://www.ibc.org/about-ibc