Quobis Outdoor Camp: flying 1538m
The VII Quobis Outdoor Camp was held in Pena Aventura Park in Ribeira da Pena (Portugal).
by Jorge Cabaleiro| Whatsapp is one of the most used messaging and personal communication apps in the world and ,sometimes, people are so used to communicate through this application that it ends up being used for enterprise communications. At the beginning of this month Continental banned the use of Whatsapp and Snapchat on their…
Thanks for attending the WebRTC meetup. We had 454 WebRTCers and 166 attendees at the meetup. Here are the recordings of the event: Part 1: Part 2:
iago.soto | Quobis is celebrating 10 years During the last two months we were organising a group of activities to celebrate our anniversary, including traditional events like the Quobis Outdoor Camp and others designed ad-hoc. We were sponsoring the Festival de Cans, a film festival that is a reference in Galicia. There we have a…
Vigo, Spain, March 13th, 2016. Quobis, the leader in Web-based real-time communications for enterprises and service providers, today announced a new release of Sippo WebRTC Application Controller and its associated applications. This version of Sippo WebRTC Application Controller takes a new big step in order to provide advanced contact center and customer care features: recording…
All the places have a history behind and this is the case of our new headquarters. We are lucky because the place is wonderful and full of stories worth sharing, so visitors are really enjoying it. BEGINNINGS The building was part of “Granxa do Louro” (farms of the river Louro), that was created in 1935…
MS Teams is one of the most popular collaboration platforms today. Quobis is helping service providers and enterprises to adopt the best practices to interconnect the Microsoft Phone System with their existing infrastructure. Behind this, there are several challenges, including interworking, transcoding, call ciphering and different ways to route the traffic. Quobis has been addressing these issues…