
Quobis will participate in Artemis event (London, UK)

In March 2013 ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking is expected to launch its Call 2013 for project proposals. To help with the preparation of drafting proposals and search for the right consortium partners, ARTEMIS Industry Association organises the ARTEMIS Brokerage Event in Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow.

This 2-day international event will take place on Tuesday 15 & Wednesday 16 January 2013 where about 250 participants from all over Europe are expected to attend this event. This event gives the chance to meet consortium partners and drafting project proposals with the starting consortia.

The event is also an important indication for public authorities to sense the field of interest in advance. Furthermore it informs on the Draft Annual Working Programme 2013 (AWP2013) for the ARTEMIS Call 2013 and gives updates on the timeframe and procedure for the Call. Quobis will show our project proposal called CallLinked focused on the application of WebRTC in embedded systems.

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